Pilots of the ETC
Within the ETC project we have defined the following pilots:
Park & Ride Pilot in Luxembourg
The Park & Ride Pilot in Luxembourg was set up to demonstrate the multi-functionality possibilities of account-based ticketing. The existing system, based upon the German VDV-KA standard, was used to travel in Luxembourg and the ETC system was used for parking and earning loyalty points (stamps) for parking.
The existing mKaart (travel card) in Luxembourg was used.
Next to the current transport application (VDV-KA) the ETC side token was loaded. Both are loaded onto the NFC-chip of the mKaart.
Use case
In the .pdf file a high level description is presented of the use case as implemented in Luxembourg.
Early 2018 a decision has been made by Verkéiersverbond to continue with the pilot from June 2018 onwards.
Cross-border pilot in Germany and the Netherlands
The cross-border pilot in the region Maastricht/Heerlen and Aachen focusses on cross-border travel (on 2 bus lines) between Germany and the Netherlands. The following document describes the high-level architecture.
In total more then 400 people are participating, generating approximately 1,500 transactions per month.
Use case