The European Travellers Club

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December 2018

On 7th of December 2019 a Letter of Intent (LoI) was signed in Aachen regarding the further roll out of the ETC pilots in Germany and the Netherlands. The LoI was signed by the ETC partners (ACCEPT Institute, Aachener Verkehrsverbund GmbH (AVV), Trans Link Systems (Translink) and VDV eTicket Service GmbH & Co. KG (VDV-ETS)) and Aachener Straßenbahn und Energieversorgungs-AG (ASEAG), Arriva Personenvervoer Nederland bv (Arriva) and Nahverkehr Rheinland GmbH (NVR).

September 2018

6th of September 2018, Article CORDIS website: ' Major advance in EU-wide travel'; an interview with Roel Testroote (director of ACCEPT Institute). 

June 2018

27th of June 2018, Article Eurekarail: ' Techniek klaar voor internationaal treinkaartje'; an interview with Roel Testroote (director of ACCEPT Institute).

April 2018

4th of April 2018, Article Intelligent Transport: ' A matter of necessity: cross-border public transport in the Euregio'; an interview with Dominik Elsmann (Head of Department for Cross-border Public Transport, Aachener Verkehrsverbund GmbH).

February 2018

On 15th of February 2018 the cross-border pilot was demonstrated to the Minister of Transport from Nord-Rhein Westfalen (Hendrik Wüst) and the representative of the Province of Limburg (gedeputeerde Hubert Mackus). Together with the ETC project partners the following press release (in German) was issued.

January 2018

Invitation.pdf (1.19MB)
Invitation.pdf (1.19MB)

Demonstration of the cross-border pilot and workshop on Account-Based Travelling. Results of the workshop and feedback will be published on this website. 

Decision was made by Verkéiersverbond (Luxembourg) to continue the Park&Ride pilot from June 2018 onwards for a period of 18 months.

November 2017

Recruitment Poster
POSTER.pdf (4.89MB)
Recruitment Poster
POSTER.pdf (4.89MB)

Start of the cross-border pilot in the Aachen-Maastricht/Heerlen area. Please find the poster for recruitment of people, available for download.

June 2017

Cross-border public transport
Best practice examples and future challenges in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine
20170601_ECOMM_AVV_Cross border public transport in the EMR.pdf (9.05MB)
Cross-border public transport
Best practice examples and future challenges in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine
20170601_ECOMM_AVV_Cross border public transport in the EMR.pdf (9.05MB)

On 1 June one of the partners in the ETC program, Aachener Verkehrsverbund (AVV) from Germany, presented the ETC project during the ECOMM conference in Maastricht (The Netherlands): please find the presentation, available for download.

Cross Border Traveling
Presentation (in Dutch) OTI and Arriva
21062017 Arriva-OTI final.pdf (1.97MB)
Cross Border Traveling
Presentation (in Dutch) OTI and Arriva
21062017 Arriva-OTI final.pdf (1.97MB)

On 21 June 2017, Open Ticketing Institute together with Dutch transport operator Arriva presented the ETC project and its cross border pilot during the 'Dag van de Rail' conference in Utrecht (The Netherlands). Focus of this presentation are the cross border use cases and the benefits of Account-Based Traveling for travelers, e-ticketing schemes and operators. Please find the presentation, available for download.

April 2017

On April 4th and 5th the ETC presented its progress during the e-TSAP conference in Belfast, Northern-Ireland. One of the important results is a follow-up workshop on Account-Based Traveling, to be organized in fall of 2017.

March 2017

We welcome our new member ITSO from the UK within the ETC Council. The ETC Council now consist of 6 members. The next meeting of the ETC Council will be hosted by NTA in Dublin, Ireland and will take place at April 4th. 


Presentation EPF conference
ETC project and pilots, as presented during the EPF conference in Rotterdam, the Netherlands (18 March 2017).
18032017 EPF, versie finaal.pdf (1.25MB)
Presentation EPF conference
ETC project and pilots, as presented during the EPF conference in Rotterdam, the Netherlands (18 March 2017).
18032017 EPF, versie finaal.pdf (1.25MB)

On 18th of March the ETC presented its program and pilots on the European Passengers Federation conference in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Please find the presentation, available for download.